Oct 27, 2006

My First Outing as a MOM

So yesterday, Thursday, October 26th, was my first day not going into work. While I am not totally feeling like a M-O-M yet, we did plan a day with Grandma, stroller, diaper bag, and baby. We went to Nordies shopping! Hadarya slept the entire time and was not so impressed with anything but their cafe at lunch time, where she happily chowed 3 oz and basked in the constant attention of people passing our table... or wait was that Mommy who basked in the comments??

It was a very interesting day for me as people constantly commented on my daughter and stopped to peek in the stroller (that took a little while to figure out how to work!). I know she's beautiful, that is now a more biased opinion than last week, and I dressed her in a cute pink outfit, but it just boggled my mind at the amount of people who stopped, stared, commented, engaged me in conversation about her, AND marveled at how amazing it was that I was out and about after 2 1/2 weeks of her birth. NO, I did not bother to correct their mindset and tell them that while she was 18 days old, I had NOT given birth to her, hence the ability to be in a store so soon after her arrival. I just smiled a big smile and said Thank You.

The doors were often held open for us going into stores (amazing, isn't it Sam?) and I know that I will get used to the questions, the comments, and probably advice along the way from strangers. Right now, it's still all new to me and I often forget that I know the answers to their questions about her weight, birth, how much she eats, etc. I am not just holding my friends child and therefore have to turn to her to find out the answers. I am Mommy and I know all about my daughter, Hadarya.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I am smiling ear to ear reading this post. How wonderful! You deserve every one of those oohs and ahhs. You've earned 'em, baby. ;)