Sep 10, 2007

Itsy BItsy Spider

How many times can you sing that song without getting bored? I haven't actually counted the number of times in a row I sing it; but I do know that when my darling daughter gets upset (which is rare) in the car or will not settle down in my lap to go to bed at night, I can count on Itsy Bitsy to do the trick. As soon I start singing she stops fussing, crying, or making noise. I do not have any idea what she likes about the tune or why that works so well. I can sometimes switch to Row, Row, Row your Boat or A You're Adorable. But usually it's just the spider.

The other night I sang it with different words so that Yiftach would hear me over the monitor and bring me a bottle to feed her. Then I needed the crib put down. SO the song went like this:

The Itsy Bitsy Baby woke up from her sleep.
Her Ima cuddled her while Aba made a bottle.
Then Aba came and put the cribside down
And the Itsy Bitsy Baby slept through the rest of the night!

She loved it and it only took Yiftach about 8 versions to realize I needed him!

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