Jun 3, 2007

Signs of High Intellect

Like many of our friends, and current trends, we have decided to use simple Baby Signs with Hadarya so that she can communicate with us before she has the language. While she makes many noises, talks all day long, and had some clear indicators of wanting specific things, she needs other ways to let us know what she wants.

She now has a sound like a high pitched "eeeeeee" when she is hungry. We have been very consistent with the sign for more and all done. We added in food a little bit and milk/bottle more regularly.

Well, tonight, at 7 months 3 weeks old, it paid off! Our highly intelligent daughter CLEARLY signed "more" when I was done giving her dinner. She made the sign a few times before we realized what she was doing. When I got her more food, she happily ate 1/3 more of the spinach and potatoes and the rest of the carrots. After another bite of squash she clamped her mouth tight and turned away to indicate she was done.

She can also clap, but that is very different that more. She did clap. . . after I gave her more food!

It was so cool. I can't wait for "more!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! She is a beautiful girl filled with sunshine! It was great spending time with all of you. :)