Jan 31, 2008

7:00 - 7::00

Those were the hours my sweet baby girl slept without waking up last night. FINALLY. Well, she actually slept until I coaxed her awake at 7:25 or so. But you get the picture.

It has been a long 10 days that started with teething (no teeth to show for it yet) and turned into a major cold/hacking cough, sleepless nights and my usually sweet baby girl gone missing.

We did tylenol/motrin for a couple of nights and that increased the sleeping stretches to almost 4 hours. Lack of appetite (at least my cooking at dinner time!) was present as well as only taking a bottle and not wanting her cups. The pacifier became a constant companion.

We can always tell when something is not right because she sleeps amazingly well, eats amazingly well, and is a happy child all the time. She whined and cried a lot. She wanted to be held, then put down, then held. She couldn't sleep comfortably, even in our bed sometimes. None of us was happy!

Tonight she laughed, played, joked and had a grand time with us and Grandma and Auntie Kimber. My sweetie pie is back!

We also discovered that the space heater keeps her room toasty and is a lot better than the central heat. That seems to have helped also. We are looking forward to another night of sleep for our household.

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