Nov 1, 2007

Day 1 - Because I Didn't Have Enough To Do

It's hard not to take a challenge on and while I could probably have found plenty of them in my daily life to tackle, I decided to add something to my pretty full plate. Really, the truth is, that aaryn inspires me to be more than I can be and do more than I can do. It's really my fault because I read her blog instead of writing lesson plans or grading papers or going to sleep at a reasonable hour and that has led me to join her in this quest of blogging.

The month of November is National Blog Posting Month. The challenge is to write everyday and post it on your blog. So here I am at 10:24 PM on November 1st starting this journey. For my faithful readers, you might get more than you bargained for when you are looking for updates on my cutie pie as I am going to try to expand this a little bit to include other interesting topics.

But the first day has to include the cuteness that is my daughter as she has suddenly, in the last week, put it together to blow kisses. Before the couple of days she would put her hand on her mouth for quite a while and then throw the kiss long after the recipient looked away. Then she added the sound effect of, "mmmmmmmMA" and in the last day or so it all goes together and she lovingly throws that heartfelt kiss to anyone one who dares smile at her and chat her up. She is great at doing it "on command" and will throw a kiss if asked in English or Hebrew. Yep, she's a cutie pie that continues to amaze and astound me every day.

1 comment:

aaryn b. said...

Thanks for the compliments. But don't be fooled into thinking I do so much: Sam does all of the laundry and a good portion of the cooking. I'm just a lazy wife. ;)

Congrats on H's blown kisses.
Sending love...