Jul 11, 2007

9 months old

It's unbelievable that Hadarya is 9 months old! How did that happen? I cannot wrap my mind around how time seems to go so quickly. She gets more and more beautiful every day and her personality is extremely delightful.

At 9 months old my daughter has many accomplishments:

1. She broke her first tooth two weeks ago (and boy is it sharp!) Note to self: DO NOT stick your finger inside for a chomp.
2. She does this adorable head tilt to say hello and I love you and in general to get your attention. She knows it will get her huge smiles and laughs.
3. She became a rolly polly last night, doing multiple rolls over and over again and back. She must have entertained herself for 20 minutes rolling around with no specific purpose in mind.
4. She can walk holding onto our hands.
5. She sometimes attempts to pull herself up but is not proficient at that yet. (Thank goodness...we'd really have to move the mattress in her bed down!)
6. She loves loves loves music.
7. Her Leap Frog table is a source of delight and joy for extended periods.
8. She is fascinated with anything that has eyes in it. She stares into the eyes and gets frustrated when they don't respond! Her favorite is a frog that has flashcards attached. She also loves her puppy push toy that she rolls all over the place.
9. She holds her own bottle...well, when she wants to.
10. She holds her arms up to be held or picked up, with the cutest look that no one can resist.

Hadarya Tali you are a joy and delight in our lives!