Sep 29, 2007

We almost made it a year...

without being sick!

After two nights of raspy sounding breathing, an of day at SDSU, not wanting a bottle, and then pulling on her ear a bit we made a trip to urgent care. It's not exactly how we wanted to spend our Shabbat evening nor did we want our baby to be sick. We also didn't want to be the kind of parents who just run to the Doctor whenever their baby sniffles...yet, we just knew something was off with our girl.

Sure enough, after cleaning out the wax in both ears, Dr. Steele confirmed an ear infection. There was nothing wrong with her chest/breathing, no fever, but a swollen, ear drum with pus for effect. POOR BABY GIRL!!!

Tylenol has helped some and we are waiting for the antibiotics to kick in fully. She's coughing up a storm when she sleeps and just is not her cheerful happy self. Lots of cuddling in her future for the weekend.

Our goal is to get her healthy before her big day next week!

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