May 28, 2008

Got A Minute...

I finally feel like I have a minute and the last couple of weeks have flown by and gone unnoticed by this busy Ima...not so. Just too tired, too busy, too caught up in life to get my act together to do anything.

My almost 20-month old daughter gets cuter and cuter by the day. Her hair is long and beautiful and always needs to be pulled up in a style out of her face. She is tall and wears her clothes adorably. She knows how cute she is and loves to smile and play games.

Our newest game started because I was trying to get her excited about seeing Aba at home. On the last stretch I began: "Guess who you are going to see at home?" She smiles. "Are you going to see Grandma?" She shakes her head yes. I say, "Noooooooo" "Are you going to see Auntie Kimber? She shakes her head yes. I say, "Noooooooo" "Are you going to see Savta? She shakes her head yes. I say, "Noooooooo" "Are you going to see Grandpa? and on it goes until we are just about home and I shout "It's ABA!"

So now, any time I ask her a question starting with "Are you....ready for bed, ready for a bath, going to see Miss Alyssa? She starts to shake her head yes, smiles, and says "Noooooo!"

Food continues to be an interesting endeavor. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't like. Sometimes she's adventurous and will try new things. Other times she says no right away. She eats a variety of things but sometimes not a whole lot in a day! Today was mostly a fruit and milk day. Her latest craze was pizza...from Costco, which she devoured 1/2 of a piece in a sitting. That was her weekend lunch and dinner. Nothing else would do. French fries are becoming interesting to her now that her Aba has taught her how to dip them in ketchup! We don't have them often, but as soon as she gets one, she looks for the dip so she can suck it off and dip again. It's very cute. She learned it from one time in a restaurant over a month ago.

Lesson learned: be careful what you teach her because she learns quickly and doesn't forget!

Baby Dolls and imaginary play has exploded in the last 6-8 weeks. She is constantly with a baby doll or stuffed animal. It must have a blankie, usually her loveys, and she covers it and pats its back and says "night night." At daycare she spends hours with the babies and blankies and carrying them around. She has begun singing to them the same song she is sung to for nap time. She also sings to us and pats us on the tummy or back to put us to sleep. It's adorable. We love seeing her smarts and transfer of information!! We also bought her a kitchen and loves making things and sharing her bucket of food from Grandma! She thinks it's hysterical that we "eat" the food and she brings it to us with a plate or fork. I can't wait to see how much more sophisticated it's going to become in the coming months!

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