Mar 20, 2007

Food. Glorious Food!

Tonight was the night. We gave in. We tried to hold out until 6 months was upon us. But alas we couldn't wait. SHE couldn't wait. It was time.

Hadarya had rice cereal at dinner time. She began to show interest in our food, eating utensils, cups, and began losing interest in her bottles about 10 days ago. BUT we wanted her to be 6 months old. We wanted to travel without the hassle. We wanted to avoid as many food allergies as possible. Plus our friends all said that rice cereal was blah and that their kids did not like it.

Well, my friends, our daughter LOVED it. I think she's going to like pretty much anything that can go in her mouth. She ate the entire serving and probably would have had more if we'd let her.

We made 1 tbls of rice cereal with 1 oz of formula. It was on the runny side so she could suck on the spoon like she does her bottle. It took about 6 sucking motions and she figured it out! She got how to eat off a spoon. It was so cool to watch her figure it out and see the connections made. She didn't even make much of a mess and the little that got on her face, she licked off with her tongue!

We are going to try it a little thicker tomorrow and give her only rice cereal through Saturday. Then we are going to start on the green veggies... mmm, that should make changing diapers fun!

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