Jun 3, 2007

Beautiful Body

Last night, Saturday, June 2nd, we stayed out way past Hadarya's bedtime. We were having a carb loading dinner with our friends from LA running in the Rock and Roll Marathon today.

Being the trooper that she is, Hadarya fell asleep in the car, woke while we waited in an enormously long long long line at Fillipi's in Little Italy, finished her bottle and snoozed through the rest of the line and dinner.

She had decided not to take much of an afternoon nap, so she was pretty zonked.

Zonked enough, that when we got home and changed her diaper and took off her dirty clothes AND put her in her pajamas, she NEVER WOKE UP! The newest photo on flickr is testament to my daughter's gorgeous body, long legs, and sacked out sleepiness during this entire endeavor.

She then treated us to sleeping in until just after 7 AM.

Lovely. In all senses of the word.

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